High Speed/ High Pressure Autoclave/ Sterilizer Manufacturers and Suppliers

A powerful ejector fitted in the multi-port operating valve circulate air in the chamber for vaccum drying


The Sterilizers designed for a standard working pressure of 1.2 kg/cm i.e., 121°C or an optional High Speed (flash) working pressure of 2.1kg/cm i.e., 134°C Which substantially reduces cycle time.

Our high efficiency Steam Sterilizers are designed for maximum thermodynamic efficiency and robust in construction built with an inner chamber of AISI 304/316 grade stainless steel, jacket of AISI 304 grade stainless steel, door of AISI 304 grade stainless steel, the strong argon arc welded chamber and jacket ensure a leak proof construction. Mounted on a corrosion resistant stand further ensures greater durability.

Working on the principle of downward displacement of air, the sterilizer assure you that only a minimal quantity of water and steam are required for optimism sterilization. A steam trap is provided for effective, economical removal of air and condensate from the chamber. This help to achieve sterilization temperature quicker. The option of a steam generator feed water pump assits uninterrupted operation.

A powerful ejector fitted in the multi-port operating valve circulate air in the chamber for vacuum drying. With minimum heat loss the sterilizer enables a pleasant, comfortable, working environment.

  • Multi-port operating valve / Solenoid valve, control for the entire cycle of the operation.
  • Permits two exhaust speeds, fast & slow.
  • Easy to read compound gauge for the chamber and pressure gauge for the jacket.
  • Smooth operation.
  • Self locking safety door cannot be opened while chamber is under pressure.
  • Gauge glass tube with automatic closing safety valve.
  • Heat resistant SILICONE door gasket.
  • Pressure switches (on electric models) economize power consumption.
  • Low water protection system, to protect the electric heaters.
  • Temperature gauge / Diigtal temp. Indicators / controllers (optional).
  • Vaccum breaker / dryer.
  • Safety valve for the Jacket / boiler.
  • Hydraulically test to 2.5 times the designed working pressure.